Pedestrian & Bicycle accidents can produce severe injuries & serious Consequences

Pedestrian and bicycle accidents are often the result of negligent drivers and their lack of awareness as to their surroundings.

These accidents can produce severe injuries and serious consequences, including large medical bills. Much of the information and evidence needed for you to make a proper claim against a negligent driver’s insurance company is time sensitive, such as pictures of the accident scene and statements from witnesses. A trained attorney will help ensure that the proper evidence and documentation is collected, in order to give you the best chance at a favorable result.

At Wallace Brown Injury Law, we will handle the crucial steps in preserving and advancing your claim, so you can focus on your recovery. Getting an attorney involved in your case in its earliest stages could be the most important step you take to ensure that your rights are properly protected. Call today to schedule a free consultation.

Trust the law firm that only handles accident injuries. To schedule a free and confidential consultation with Wallace Brown Injury Law
please call 
(480) 820-3300 All consultations are 100% free.